Silhouette winners
1st Place - Outstanding Achievement Title: Dezemberlicht Es ist ein Waldstueck etwa 1000 m.ue.M das mir besonders gefaellt. Es liegt im Winter eigentlich immer im Schatten einer hohen Felswand. Ein Stueck Fichtenwald das oft im Nebel liegt. Dazwischen einige wenig Buchen die sich knapp behaupten moegen, die dann mit ihren krummen Staemmen die Strenge Grafik der Fichten unterbrechen. Die atmospharische Tiefe entstanden durch den Nebel hat es mir besonders angetan. Ich besuche dieses mystische Waldst�eck immer wieder. Die Auszeichnung ehrt mich sehr.
2nd Place - Merit of Excellence Title: Just the Three of Us As long as we're together, that's all that matters.
3rd Place - Honor of Distinction Title: pretty ghost and trees A girl is standing at the cliffs on baltic coast in the ghots woods at Nienhagen, Germany.
Honorable Mention Title: Going Home A man on his way
Honorable Mention Title: A Child will Show Us the Way
Honorable Mention Title: Why do you paint?
Honorable Mention Title: Alone
Honorable Mention Title: Big Joe and the fire house The intense red gates of an old fire station are perfect for taking profile photos of people.
Honorable Mention Title: Where Is My Pike #2 Canon EOS 5D MKII, LE, last remnants of a jetty of an abandoned marina taken on Lake Duemmer (Dümmersee) at Lembruch shortly after sunset.
Honorable Mention Title: Beach Soccer Aerial capture of beach soccer players silhouettes
Honorable Mention Title: Into the Mist
Honorable Mention Title: African Silhouette Giraffes will browse on nearby Marula trees in Tanzania.
Honorable Mention Title: Star Party Star Party
Honorable Mention Title: Mullet Fisher Mullet fishing is an artisanal activity in southern Brazil, which occurs in the autumn season. It involves the entire community of local fishermen, turning into a big annual party.
Honorable Mention Title: Jewelry Store Light, Xmas
Honorable Mention Title: Imposing Three women walk along the imposing trees of Avenue de Baobab at dusk. Madagascar
Honorable Mention Title: Soho
Honorable Mention Title: love People sitting on Hackerbridge in Munich and takeing a sundowner.
Honorable Mention Title: Sunset Boys
Honorable Mention Title: Morning Haze at the Port
Honorable Mention Title: Sunset, Bradenton (from the series Rainy Season)
Honorable Mention Title: The New Normal The frame shows my very last impression of a memorable and quite chaotic odyssey through Coronasia 2020. The captured moment marks the supposed end of the Balinese lockdown. Amed, Indonesia
Honorable Mention Title: Late Night Gathering Hot summer late night gathering at the Crown Fountain in downtown Chicago, USA - 2018.
Honorable Mention Title: Lighthouse Salt spray and a low winter midday sun make this image of the remote Cape Palliser Lighthouse. Cape Palliser, New Zealand 2020.
Honorable Mention Title: Gallop The horse man tamed the horses galloped across the snow land at Inner Mongolia
Honorable Mention Title: Sunrise Bagan Myanmar Sunrise in Bagan, Myanmar